A simple registration is required to submit an item to the archive so we can contact you back if necessary. It is also required because it is the ACA’s policy not to receive any anonymous submissions, deposits, and/or donations. The provenance of each record, item, or artifact is important.

Thank you for your interest in partnering with us in preserving Christian heritage and sharing with us anything that you think may be worthy of preservation. We presume that each person submitting wants to keep their own information and the content of the items private, not to be posted on this website publicly unless you wish to share with the public any of the content. You have this option on the form to check the box "share with public." Otherwise, we will consider the content private and to be preserved in the ACA. You may share testimonies, stories, records etc. from you or your family or records of others if you have permission to do so. We take your privacy seriously and any subjects which may be named in the document(s), and do not sell either the registrant lists nor the contents shared with any entity.

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